What we do
Inspired by shocking facts and statistics we created our company, Cipen. We collect and recycle cigarette butts from cafes, restaurants, businesses, and other individuals. Our mission is not easy, but Cipen’s three co-founders are not afraid to use this harmful substance and turn it into a product with good daily use. We turn the cigarette butts into ash through our new and efficient burning methods and with the help of other natural ingredients we turn it into ink for our refillable pens and 30ml ink jars. Our pens are refillable, aiming to also reduce the number of pens, which are also thrown and pollute the environment every day.
This is Cipen
Cipen started as an idea, led to a business plan, which developed into the business we are today. We strongly believe that change is needed for cigarette butt pollution but no one seeks it. We are three sixteen-year-old girls determined to introduce an alternative and eventually change the world.